FinneyCanHelp Five Fingers of Freedom

The FinneyCanHelp Five Fingers of Freedom framework empowers one to take action and live with freedom in one’s heart.

FinneyCanHelp Five Fingers of Freedom

  1. Flow Like Water – This was inspired by a Bruce Lee quote.
  2. Fantasize about the possible – We’re only limited by our imagination.
  3. Forgive yourself and others – Lose the emotional luggage.
  4. Faith – Have faith that there is a lawfulness to the universe. This was inspired by George Mumford. See George Mumford: “The Mindful Athlete” | Talks at Google video and the 10% Happier app that has George Mumford in it.
  5. Feel Freedom – Choose to see this freedom.

We choose to see by AM Renault

2 thoughts on “FinneyCanHelp Five Fingers of Freedom

  1. says

    – Feel freedom: because you ARE free.
    – Fantasize about the possible: everything is potentially possible.
    – Have faith that there is a lawfulness to the universe: because there is. Those who can’t see it yet aren’t looking deep enough.
