Recently, something special happened.
After finishing a 20 minute meditation, I did the last two sessions of the 10% Happier app with Sharon Salzburg. I’ve done them before, but decided to revisit them.
After I completed the two sessions, I felt an urge to tell Sharon she did a good job. I thought: Why not? She earned it! It would also exercise my kindness mental muscle. So, I started writing a quick Twitter tweet saying she did “good” and then changed it to “great”. Great is better than good, right?

Great Job Tweet
Why in the world did the word “good” still feel like higher praise than “great”? What’s going on? Then, the answer hit me. So, I shared my moment of “ah ha!”

Why Grandpa Said “Good”
Time to share what I truly felt. She did well and it was a wonderful gift for all.

Sharon Did Good Tweet
Boom! Feelings of gratitude, missing grandpa, and love washed through me. Tears flowed. It wasn’t sadness, but just “wow!” What to do?
Fortunately, I knew what to do. In my experience and from what I have learned from others on this path, it’s best to let the feelings flow through you. Let the tears stream down the face and to breathe deep. If such an experience is new to you, you may feel silly when it hits you. However, take comfort in that this is all normal and healthy.
This is a natural breakthrough. Sometimes such experiences can be interpreted as unsettling, embarrassing, or even scary.
I suggest comparing these experiences with those experienced with meditation. One obvious source is the 10% Happier app made by Dan Harris and others. Other local sources may serve you as well. Good luck on your journey and be well!